Terms and Conditions: Fair, Clear, and Transparent.

You will temporarily receive a full refund for the purchase price of one bag of Amaizin Tortilla Rolls Jalapeño or Tomato if you purchase it during the promotional period at EkoPlaza, Odin, or any other natural food store.

Promotional Period: Starts September 2 and ends October 30, 2024.

How does the promotion work?

Buy one of the Amaizin Tortilla Rolls at EkoPlaza, Odin, or another natural food store and keep the receipt. Go to https://amaizin.com/cashback-tortilla-jalapeno-rolls/, fill in your details, and upload the receipt.

Eligible Products:

  • Amaizin Tortilla Rolls Jalapeño
  • Amaizin Tortilla Rolls Tomato

Questions and Feedback:

Do you have any questions or feedback about the promotion? We are happy to help you!

Terms and Conditions:

  • This promotion is “while supplies last.” A maximum of 1,000 cashback payouts will be made.
  • Only valid for the two eligible Amaizin products.
  • This promotion is only valid for purchases made in the Netherlands at EkoPlaza, Odin, or another natural food store of your choice, during the promotional period from September 2 to October 30, 2024.
  • Participation is only possible via www.amaizin.com/cashback-tortilla-jalapeno-rolls/.
  • Only one cashback per receipt/invoice, bank account, email address, and person is allowed, for a maximum of one Amaizin Tortilla Rolls Jalapeño or Tomato product.
  • If the promotion is extended, the conditions regarding the number of participations per receipt/invoice, bank account, email address, and person remain in effect.
  • Can be used in combination with other discount promotions or offers. The discount must always be visible on the submitted receipt or digital invoice.
  • The refunded amount will be the purchase price of one Amaizin Tortilla Rolls Jalapeño or Tomato product listed on the submitted receipt or invoice.
  • After approval, the amount will be refunded to the provided bank or giro account within seven days.
  • Note: Keep the receipt safe. The receipt may be requested as proof up to 4 weeks after the end of the promotion.
  • This promotion began on Monday, September 2, 2024. This is also the first day of the promotional period. The promotion ends when the maximum number of cashback payouts has been made or at the end of the promotional period.
  • DO-IT Consumer Products B.V. reserves the right to modify the promotion at any time or refuse payment.
  • DO-IT Consumer Products B.V. is not liable for any delay or obstruction in executing this promotion beyond its control.
  • Only complete registrations will be processed. A complete registration includes:
    • A clearly legible receipt showing the store name, purchase date & time, promotion product + price.
    • First and last name, email address, IBAN number, and account holder name.
  • Registrations are not shared directly with DO-IT Consumer Products B.V. but are processed by Rocketing B.V.
  • Uploading a photo of the receipt is mandatory for this promotion. Receipts sent by email or post will not be processed. The following file formats are accepted: .jpg | .jpeg | .png | .pdf.
  • If the above conditions are not met, the registration will be rejected. DO-IT Consumer Products B.V. is not obliged to inform you of this.